A Man or A Bear? Incels Showed Their Colors

A Man or A Bear blog post AmeliaDivine.com

The question that has gone around TikTok to women is, “Would you rather be trapped in the woods with a man or a bear?” Of course, with no hesitation, women chose the bear. Well, that answer hurt the tender feelings of many incels and bro boys, it was comical.

They couldn’t understand why between a man and a bear women would choose a bear.

I’m not going to use the post to explain why. This has been explained many times, although I don’t feel it needs to be explained. Nope, the can of worms I’m about to crack open is why incels and bro boys got so butt-hurt when they heard the answer. And they did, and still are. Talk about being over-emotional. I’m seriously wondering if they need some Midol and a heating pad.

Bless their little hearts *sigh*, whatever.

So, why did the little piss-boys get so upset? Well to be honest, and fair, there have been a lot of changes lately with how women are no longer putting up with bullshit. I’m sure it’s made their little heads spin, and I know for a fact they are just not understanding that they are the cause of the changes in women they are angry with. Not too long ago, a good friend showed his true colors to me after a night of him drinking too much. No, it was nothing like that, (see where your mind went, I could rest my case here, but, I won’t). He decided to go off saying women are too sensitive, men can’t flirt anymore, women should be flattered when men speak to them, blah blah. It got progressively worse, and we are no longer in touch.

A drunk man tells no tales.

This question of a man or a bear has separated the men, real men, from the beta bitch, incel, bro boys quicker than anything I’ve ever seen. Up until recently, women have been, “polite”. We have either ignored, or, kept our opinions between ourselves, laughed behind your back, and just lived our lives. We did what we wanted, and just ignored the little fuckers that would get in our way. But, just like a child that isn’t getting attention, those little fuckers we have been ignoring had to throw hissy fits. They started by overturning Roe V. Wade, (yes, incels and bro boys come in all ages, shapes, and sizes) then, this whole April 24th thing, women getting randomly punched in NY, and all the other fun shit happening out there because of their hurt feelings. They brought attention to themselves, and just like a mother with a child throwing a hissy fit, the child is being punished.

Enter 4B

But, *sigh* incels can’t even handle that, so now they are trying to start their little movement. I forget what it is, but basically, they are doing what we already want. They are vowing to “withhold their seed” *gag* from us. Ok, and that’s a problem how? God these idiots are…idiots. Anyway, incels and bro boys are highly upset that women would choose a bear over a man if we were lost in the woods, and they don’t like that. They aren’t smart enough to shut the actual fuck up and learn why, they just want us to change our answer so they can feel needed and masculine again.

Sorry bro, not this time.

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